Meta Blueprint
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Virtual Training
Live & Upcoming
Sign up for upcoming training sessions designed to give you a deeper look into Meta solutions and prepare you for Meta Certification exams.
1:00 AM - EDT
Create engaging Reels ads to grow your business - Oct 11 | APAC | English
Ashwini Bissa -
Oct 14 - 1:00 AM - EDT
Upgrade your advertising with Advantage+ catalog ads - Oct 14 | APAC | English
Ashwini Bissa -
Oct 14 - 5:00 AM - EDT
Use App Events to Target, Optimize and Measure - October 14 | EMEA | English
Lina Poka -
Oct 14 - 7:00 PM - EDT
Optimize your campaign with Meta Advantage - Oct 15 | APAC | English
Adam Sugihto -
Oct 15 - 12:30 AM - EDT
Certification Prep Virtual Training | Media Buying - Oct 15 | APAC (IN/SOUTH ASIA) | English
Ashwini Bissa -
Oct 15 - 1:00 AM - EDT
Improve Lead Quality with Conversions API for CRM - Oct 15 | APAC | English
Arilyn Hay -
Oct 15 - 4:30 AM - EDT
Certification Prep Virtual Training | Media Fundamentals - October 15 | EMEA | English
Omer Ozsever -
Oct 15 - 12:00 PM - EDT
Certification Prep Virtual Training | Media Fundamentals - Oct 15 & 16 l NORAM l English
Diana Muzquiz -
Oct 15 - 2:00 PM - EDT
Optimize and Troubleshoot the Meta Pixel - October 15 | NORAM | English
Martha Pena
ASP Events
Enroll now in ASP Partner trainings. Topics include sales skill development, Meta solutions and specialist themes like Creative Strategy.
These trainings are available only for ASP Partners, not for clients or agencies.
Training by Topic
Training by Topic is a series of online training webinars led by Meta experts. These sessions dive explore marketing-specific topics, helping businesses learn the skills they need to run successful digital campaigns. In each session, you can interact with the instructor in real-time, providing a unique, customizable learning experience.
Training sessions are approximately 1 to 2 hours. All offerings are delivered in several time zones.
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Configure and Troubleshoot the Conversions API Gateway
Configure Events Impacted by iOS 14 Changes
Creative Strategy Bundle
Get started with catalogs on Facebook and Instagram
Creative Considerations for Stories Ads
Building Your Brand Video Strategy
Measurement: Facebook's Experimental Design and Facebook's Lift Solutions
In-Stream Reserve: Diversify your Video Investment with Facebook
Branded Content for Advertisers
How to Interpret Statistical Outputs of Regression and Extract Data With SQL
Generate Insights to Make Data-Driven Recommendations
Troubleshoot Catalog for Dynamic Ads
Meta Certification Prep
Meta Certification Prep sessions teach Media Buyers and Media Planners effective marketing techniques for real-life situations. Trainings focus on the fundamentals needed to build successful media campaigns— including defining business goals, determining the appropriate target audiences, measuring outcomes, and more. Each learning track helps prepare participants for Meta's Professional Certification exams and should be taken in chronological order. Choose the Meta Certification Prep path that's right for you.
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