Introduction to face mesh
This lesson prepares you to set up and use the face mesh function in Meta Spark Studio.
This lesson prepares you to set up and use the face mesh function in Meta Spark Studio.
This lesson introduces logic errors and explains how they often present themselves in Meta Spark Studio projects.
This lesson prepares you to choose an effect owner.
This lesson prepares you to call specific variables into your signals and use them in your scenes.
This lesson provides a recap of the different options and considerations you have for optimizing effects.
This lesson prepares you to use flat shaders within your scenes.
This lesson prepares you to use a microphone to add and alter audio in your scenes.
This lesson prepares you to ask the right questions.
This course prepares you to use flat textures and images, add interaction, work with advanced 2D techniques, and implement best practices for working with 2D in Meta Spark Studio.
This lesson prepares you to use these functions to make changes to audio in your effects.
This lesson prepares you to access these hints and add them to your projects.
This lesson prepares you to incorporate a face tracker into your scene.
This lesson prepares you to locate syntax errors in your projects.
This lesson prepares you to correct syntax errors.
Closing comments on the course Testing and optimization.
This lesson prepares you to navigate Meta Spark Policies and locate different parts of the policies for reference.
This lesson prepares you to assign materials and check how they look.
This lesson prepares you to locate specific assets, especially ones that may be too large.
After this lesson, you'll be able to optimize your effects to ensure they run on as many devices as possible.
This lesson prepares you to identify what parts of an effect can be optimized.
This lesson prepares you to identify logic errors.
This lesson prepares you to navigate the Meta Spark community and other helpful resources.
This lesson prepares you to optimize images and textures before importing them to Meta Spark Studio.
This lesson prepares you to navigate the asset summary.